History of our services to the discrete semiconductor tester industry

  • We expanded and moved to a new 3500 sq. ft. facility in February of 2012.
  • MEM Test Services split off from Memco in 2006 so we could dedicate ourselves to servicing the discrete semiconductor industry.
  • We opened Memco in 2001 as a two fold business. We continued servicing Lorlin and Tesec discrete test systems, and also began to do contract manufacturing for the military.
  • Dave Guzy worked for Lorlin Test Systems from 1995 - 2001 managing customer service and developing the Lorlin PC software.
  • We started National Tester Services in 1990 as an independent service company for Lorlin and Tesec test equipment.
  • Dave Guzy worked for Tesec from 1983 - 1990 as Customer Service Manager for the US.  Developed and implemented new tests required by customers.
  • Dave Guzy worked for Lorlin Industries from 1975 - 1983 as Eastern Regional Service Manager.

MEM Test Services is an independent service company not affiliated with Lorlin Test Systems, Inc or Tesec, Inc.